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Playback Theatre

I offer performances and workshops in solo playback theatre, an evolution of the classic playback theatre ensemble.  Attend a performance or an open rehearsal and see what it's all about!    

What is Playback Theatre? 

Playback Theatre is a form of structured improvisation developed nearly 40 years ago by Jonathan Fox and Jo Salas. During a performance, audience members are invited to tell stories from their own experience and then watch them played back on the spot through movement, image and music. In Playback Theatre, an audience becomes connected in a community dialogue through storytelling that is both personal and universal. Playback Theatre performances can be a powerful way to make meaning of personal insights and to deepen group connections in a variety of public and group venues.

Playback Theatre activates our common empathy.  Across cultures and languages, it can bring people together in ways that few other forms of arts or social exchange can. 

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Photo credit: Marcela Juříčková

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